How did that feel? It felt good, huh? Or maybe it felt weird and you’re thinking, “This is stupid,” lol. 

When I was in high school, a few years ago, I survived thanks to word affirmations. When I found out about affirmations, I utilized them almost every day and they worked! High school was such a difficult time for me: I was a ball of anxiety, insecure, and depressed. But I’ve never been the kind to give up. I’m the type of person who looks for solutions and discipline is innate to my character. I started on a journey of self-improvement and became obsessed with self-care and personal development podcasts and tools. 

I began my journey by listening to Louise Hay’s audiobooks; in her books she talks amply about God as she does about concepts like the ‘law of attraction.’ Back then I was really into new age beliefs and my God was ‘the universe’. Eventually, I reached a point where it wasn’t enough and I sought more, that’s when I found Jesus who I found to be the truth. Louise Hay certainly helped me in that journey with her words of love, healing, and forgiveness. 

So what is an affirmation? An affirmation is a phrase that you can listen to (my favorite is popping a video on youtube) or read (reading affirmations in a journal or devotional is great too)!

Words are life. What you listen to, who you listen to, and the thoughts you think every day truly do dictate your life. If you over time developed a negative mindset it is quite difficult to discipline your mind to develop a positive one. You are what you EAT. So you have to feed your mind healthy spiritual, or mental foods. How can you feed your mind? Through God’s word. If you are deep in your word the devil cannot make you feel less than. If you know who God says you are, what others say about you doesn’t matter. 

On my worst mental health days I seek God’s word and I read his promises over and over again. Or I listen to testimonies and I affirm that I too will receive immense blessings and overcome as others have.  

Affirmations can help you feel confident enough to do well in school, at work, and in your relationships. They can help you overcome negative self-limiting beliefs so that you can become more than who people say you are. They’ll be surprised by how much you’ve changed, trust me.

Today I am sharing with you faith based affirmation cards I made recently. 

You can print them out and post them on your bedroom mirror! You can share them with people to spread light and positivity! Or you can even frame them! 

Do whatever you want with them! But remember…change doesn’t happen overnight. You have to consistently invest time into God’s word and into transforming yourself. Make it a habit to read these at least once a week and I promise you, you’ll see a change. 🙂 Enjoy!

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