We all want victory in our everyday life. No one wants to lose. Everyone wants to succeed and be happy. 

But what does victory mean to you? 

For some victory is obtaining their dream job, a relationship, or some other tangible thing. 

This week, my church’s Sunday message was titled, “Those Who Are With the Lord Jesus Triumph, Those Who Have Won, and Those Who Are Winning,” and we were given 8 key points provided by my pastor that we can use in our lives to succeed in everything.

I didn’t quite understand at first but there are deeper things to gain victory for. 

Because what happens when you don’t succeed? In life, we are all bound to lose. What if you did everything you needed to and still don’t get the dream job, the relationship, or thing you so longed for? 

Did you not do everything you needed to do to get it? What happens when you give all your heart, will, and life and it still doesn’t work out? 

Perhaps success is not what we believe it is. 

Jesus Christ too, did everything right. He preached God’s word, helped everyone become God’s children, saved and healed the sick and poor. He was the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Yet, he was persecuted and crucified. 

I’m sure there were many times where he was so rejected and opposed that it seemed like he was not walking God’s path or will. It probably seemed that way to those externally, like the Pharisees or perhaps even the disciples and followers in moments of doubt. Yet, Jesus knew the path of life is not an easy path but an arduous one, so he kept going. 

We too face many difficulties and tribulations, so much so that we wonder if life and the entire world are against us, but we must never give up. 

Jesus’ disciples and followers at the time perhaps thought all was over when Jesus was crucified. They cried bitter tears of grief and had never felt more pain in their lives. 

Perhaps they believed the bad side had won. The devil believed that by killing Jesus he had won. But in the words of T.S. Eliot, “There are deeper magics than are known.” 

Undoubtedly, things got unbelievable when they didn’t find Jesus’ body behind the stone, his burial place. 

Things became even more incredulous when he appeared to his disciples after his death. 

The enemy did not know that by crucifying Christ, Christ and his believers would resurrect and come back strong, if not stronger. Satan did not know that a ripple effect would take place, so big that it would overcome him and all his evil schemes. He did not know the “deeper magics,” or spiritual powers God holds. God knew a better way to save us and restore us. It was in the Lord redeeming us. 

As John‬ ‭16:33‬ shares, Jesus told us “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Our Lord has overcome the world. Jesus was crucified in the flesh but he won in the spirit. Therefore, we’ve already won. 

We experience many things in this world. Yet we forget time and time again that there is a rainbow on the other side of the tunnel. You’d think after all we’ve lived through we would realize if we’ve made it this far, we can make it further. 

There are bigger things in this world than the test, the argument, or financial prosperity, if you chose to see deeper magic. Otherwise, you will be stuck in a constant cycle of disappointment. These temporary things will never satisfy, but there is an eternal purpose worth living for. It makes all our daily losses feel small in comparison to the great victory that is within reach in our lifetime. That victory is living in the comfort and warm embrace of salvation. 

So whatever you are going through know that you can be victorious today and beyond today if you follow these 8 tips:

1. A victorious life is being diligent, fighting and overcoming laziness. A life taking action decisively.

2. A victorious life is defeating all temptations and enticement and loving the Trinity and Jesus with noble love. A love that never changes and always keeps God as your center your entire life. 

3. A victorious life Is preaching the gospel and helping people receive salvation. 

4. A victorious life is being faithful to the work we have been entrusted to do according to our talents. 

  • We all have things we’re good at and things to do to improve the world! 
  • Don’t be idle; help the church and help each other and work hard 
  • Utilize every God-given ability in your life for God’s will

5. A victorious life Is giving thanks, rejoicing, and always praying sincerely as you live your life. 

  • Daily conversations and devotion to God

6. A victorious life is not causing conflict; fix your character, and raise yourself well with the Word of God.

Unite your thoughts to God, so you don’t become someone Satan tries to influence. We are one body under Christ so if a person causes conflict, then everyone suffers. 

7. A victorious life, do what you must do without being idle. Take care of your body well and manage your finances well. Manage your body well so that God can continue to work upon you and through you. 

8. Don’t go against your brothers or sisters. Don’t wage war against them but check your faults first and be harmonious. 

A victorious life is one that overcomes difficulties and conflict with wisdom and with righteousness. 

Who cares if you win but you do it the wrong way and you forfeit your soul? 

Overcome together with God, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Son Lord. Fight on the side of Good. Fight with Love. 

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