Showing: 51 - 53 of 53 RESULTS
Self-Help & Realizations

Coming to Christ

“I found myself in the pages of God’s history…” So, I’m a bible thumper now. Actually no (nvm lol) after googling that word I see it has a negative connotation. Correction-I guess you could say I am a zealous advocate of God now. To those that know me that might be a shock because I …

Short Stories

El Salvador Trip 21′ Pt. 1

I am a Salvadoran-American first-generation girl from Houston, Texas though I was born and raised in Pasadena, Texas. This is my recount of my family’s trip to El Salvador this past summer and my realizations from visiting my family. About half of my family migrated to the U.S. in the 80s/90s due to poverty and …

Short Stories

El Salvador 21′ Pt.2

June 26, my family and I left for a trip to El Salvador. I was nervous because we had no itinerary. Even though I suggested we make one my mom said that wasn’t necessary, “We’ll just wing it!” Of course, we were gonna visit our family in the San Miguel department (they’re called departments in …