When I was little for some time I disliked drinking water.

No one could get me to chug a cup to save my life.

I didn’t like the bland taste;

I loved sugary drinks like orange juice though,

That is until I learned in middle school

That just drinking OJ isn’t very good for you.

I started drinking water more often

In efforts to be healthier.

I realize now that God created water to be flavorless, to not discourage anyone from drinking it.

Yet, there are still people who hate drinking water? Why?

Because they don’t know that orange juice, soda, or caffeine, among other drinks in excessive amounts can cause cancer.

They don’t know water is the healthiest drink in the world.

Why don’t humans know water is the healthiest drink in the world?

Because they are blinded by the rush of dopamine,

When the sugar enters their system. Ah, that sweet, tempting taste!

When difficulty and stress accumulate,

They come back for more, and more.

They have no desire for water,

But if all they drank was water then they would know it’s unique value.

They would know it’s necessary for life.

It is essential to the body. About 50% of our body weight is water.

It prevents dehydration, constipation, kidney stones, etc. 

They would even tell the difference between high quality water and low quality water.

In the same way, you can only know the fragrant taste of the word of God,

when you stop consuming dead things and only drink his Word of Life

The water of God is often misunderstood.

It is often packaged in vessels that seem unassuming.

To the world, the water from God tastes insipid, 

because it doesn’t fill their selfish cravings,

their rampant hunger for death.

A little soda here, a little beer there

“If I sip sparingly it cannot harm me,” they think,

but the greatest harms in this world 

are the ones we’re unaware of.

They say, “Ignorance is bliss,”

but is it really?

Here lies she: Planet Earth.

Cause of death: dehydration.

Time of death: the peak of her existence.

At this point in history to die of dehydration? What a tragedy.

“If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water,” John 4:10.

“Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life,” John 4:13-14.

You poor Samaritan woman, will you ever drink this water?

Will you ever run to the hills proclaiming this truth of life?

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